I sold my car to a guy that was located in another
state..however I stumbled across DYNAMIC SOLUTION SALES LLC while
browsing the web and am so happy I did! I got a great rate and my
shipment went very smoothly and I have recommended you to all of my
friends and co-workers. Thanks!
- Tom T.
Absolutely awesome. The ratings speak for themselves but I would not hesitate to recommend them.
- William S.
Excellent service...will use again
Great experience shipping my vehicle.
- Taiye A.
Picked Up My Car In MI. on Thursday & Delivered It to
the buyer In Nevada On Saterday... Great Company To Work With...
- Ken B.
I bought a car online. I needed to ship it from Seattle
to Phoenix. DYNAMIC SOLUTION SALES LLC helped me with everything. The
car was transported without any problems in a timely fashion. I was very
impressed and enjoyed a hassle-free experience. As some commercials say
"priceless". I would recommend both the U-ship site and DYNAMIC SOLUTION SALES LLC Logistics in the future.
- Aaron B.
Excellent to work with. There was no guess work, no
games, just a high level of customer service. Excellent communication
all the way around and they delivered the vehicle promptly and with no
damage or issue. Would definitely use again. Absolutely A+.
- Calvin W.
Excellent Service. The seller recommended DYNAMIC SOLUTION SALES LLC Logistics and I was a little afraid to deposit the money upfront...but
everything was very professional. Prompt delivery with excellent
Great service and Communication.
Outstanding job, highly recommend!
- Gregg R.